60 second interview: Euan Gillies, JCI London (and Scotland) public speaking champion
60 second interview: Euan Gillies, JCI London (and Scotland) public speaking champion

Hi Euan, you were competing in the JCI Public Speaking Championship at the JCI European Conference earlier this year! Well done making it to the final.
How would you describe your public speaking experience at the European Conference in five words?
Rewarding, challenging, enjoyable, safe environment
How scary was it on a scale from 1-10 to participate?
What have you done to become such a good speaker? What's your secret?
I don't think there is a real secret, just lots of practice and believe in what you are speaking about.
How long had you been a member when you went to Tarragona?
About 6 months.
What are you most proud of that you have done in the last year?
In JCI competing at European conference was a massive deal for me, but it was far along a long and challenging road so I am more proud of the journey than the destination.
What is your hidden talent?
I spent a while in Asia learning martial arts so if getting my nose broken is a talent then I guess I'll chose that!
Who is a speaker you admire?
I admire anyone who gets up in front of people to speak, but Huey P Long is my favorite. He spoke with passion about what he believed in and in words his audience would understand. He knew that what he was saying would get him killed but knew that saying it was so important that it was worth the risk. Which is the best speech you have listened to?
Martin Luther King, Jr's speech the day before he was assassinated - "I've been to the mountain top". There is so much conviction and passion in his voice and his use of language is second to none.
You are active in JCI London, which projects are you involved in?
I'm not sure if it is classed as a project but I've been to the World Congress this year and it was great!
Anything else you would like to share with other JCI members?
JCI is a great place to push yourself and take risks so take a few leaps into the unknown and be better.