A Blog About Blogging!
A Blog About Blogging!

Blogging is something I've really grown to love this year. From having next to no experience of it and being a pretty non-technical person, I'm very proud of my blogs and new-found blogging ability.
Blog posts are a great way to share information and experiences and it's not just writing blogs, but also reading them that I love. Have you read any of the other local JCI chambers' blogs? You'll find information about events they've hosted, projects being run and future plans for the chamber. I enjoy hearing about what other chambers are up to and take inspiration from their ideas and members' experiences. For example:
JCI Cambridge - Speed Networking
JCI Boston - JCI Boston Day
JCI Reading - Planning for 2012
Want to tell other JCI members about something? Why not write a blog? You do not have to be on the council to do so. We love to get contributions from any member. You can write about an event you've attended, an experience you've had, a book you've read or just general thoughts you'd like to share. It does not have to be JCI specific, as long as it fits in with JCI values.
Get in touch with me and you may well see your name up in lights on the JCI London website soon!