Beat of Berlin

Beat of Berlin

Posted By admin |26 Jul 2011
Beat of Berlin

Beat of Berlin is a fun and social international weekend event organised by one of JCI London's twin chambers JCI Berlin.  It is a chance to visit a fantastic European Capital City and get to know other Jaycees from many different cities.

This year Beat of Berlin took place on 1 to 3 July with the theme of culture.  Participants got to go behind the scenes at two German opera houses, tour around a very international area of the city, see two concerts and were even treated to a improvised comedy show by JCI Berlin members.

Blog » International » JCI Berlin members put on a show.jpg

Three JCI London members attended and here are some of their thoughts about the weekend:

"Any weekend that involves a pizza with a diameter of more than 1 meter, is an amazing weekend (at least for me)!  Berlin was very interesting, cultural and fun. Getting to meet up again with friends and understanding the Berlin culture was  what I was looking for, and that was exactly what I got. Known for their German precision and reputation in delivering excellent events, JCI Berlin sent us home at the end of the weekend happily exhausted by the tours, impromptu acting and parties." Eyad Hamouieh

"It had been a long week, I had had to get up at 4am for my flight and it was forecast to rain all weekend, but all that paled into insignificance when I walked in on the first Beat of Berlin event.  You never know who you will see at these international events, but you know you will always have fun - the energy and excitement among the attendees is always fantastic.  I got to catch up with some old friends and make new ones, plus got to see and learn more about the lovely city of Berlin.  Thanks to the JCI Berlin team for another great weekend!"  Sarah Beckwith

Blog » International » JCI London delegation outside the Brandenburg Gate.jpg