Find Your Happy Place

Find Your Happy Place

Posted By admin |09 Aug 2011
Find Your Happy Place

One of the greatest way to allowing life and all its abundance is to have absolutely no resistance to it. What do you mean by that you ask? Well its really quite simple, just decide that you are going to enjoy your life regardless of what life may throw at you.

One of the greatest ways to live your life to the fullest is to have absolutely no resistance. How?? Simple, just decide that you are going to enjoy your life regardless of what life may throw at you.

The truth is life is not always going to be sunshine and lollipop but you can make the decision that your attitude will be. We don't mean ignore the not so frequent downpour; acknowledge it and dance in the rain. There is always a lesson to be learnt.

How do I do that? Well a few pointers......

* Pay attention to what you are thinking and saying - thoughts have wings

* Release any anger or resentment you may be harbouring - bad for your health and business

* Focus on what you want - what is is a reflection of your past thoughts, move on

* Feed your thoughts with material that will help - try turning off the TV for a week

* Launch your rockets of desires - life is about living an adventure

* Tell someone in your life how amazing they are - watch out for the boomerang!

* Do not let your current circumstances shift your focus - the truth is within you






** Comes from an unknown website but thought I would share these tips in the hope that one or two will enlightn your day! -- Nadene M Jones, JCI London Social Director 2011