Going international with JCI in Beirut and Damascus

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Going international with JCI in Beirut and Damascus

Posted By admin |17 Mar 2011
Going international with JCI in Beirut and Damascus

One of my favorite things with JCI is all the international friends you can make. I'm currently on a family trip in the Middle East and while in Beirut and Damascus I made sure to contact the local JCI chambers to meet up, exchange experiences and give training sessions.

I got to meet amazing and inspiring JCI members and eat some awesome local food. And I got to log some training hours (plus learn how my trainings translate to a different culture...training networking in a country with no networking events? quite a challenge!)

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With the purple JCI UK Training Team t-shirt training JCI Beirut members in Beirut

The first part of my travel was to Beirut. I was able to meet up with JCI members three times - first to give a training session in Stratetic Networking to a number of people from JCI, LEO and Lions on Monday, then JCI Beirut council meeting and dinner on Wednesday, and finally a training in Confident Body language to JCI Beirut on Friday. 

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JCI Beirut members training confident body language

Heading over the mountains to Damascus, founder of JCI Syria and Deputy National President Mohammed Tabbaa took myself and my whole family for dinner at a traditional Damascene restaurant. National President Nawar Rai as well as Past National President Saleh and member Sarah joined us for dinner and drinks. 

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Dinner with my family and JCI Syria members at a traditional Syrian restaurant in the middle of old Damascus

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Beirut is a city of contrasts on the Mediterranean. Experience a weekend in Beirut with us on the way to the 2012 JCI Africa and Middle East Conference in Damascus. 

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The old streets of Damascus seem to come directly out of 1001 nights. They smell of coffee, wood work and cardamum. At the 2012conference we'll get to experience the best both of JCI and the city, so I hope you will join me!

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