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Mindfulness seems like a recurring word these days, whether it could be at the workplace or home. It portrays a time of living that many of us strive to achieve something even as we berate ourselves for spacing out, forgetting something, or wasting time on our mobile devices. Some of us might regard mindfulness as a challenging pursuit that requires time and effort. But none of this is true. Mindfulness is an art that is doable for all of us, so long you uncover its tricks.Have you ever experienced lounging under a tent on the beach, relishing the summer breeze that runs through your epidermis, only to realise a few hours had passed? Or listening to music on the train without noticing that you missed your station? The truth is: of course you do! These examples are what we described as "mindfulness", or some may call it "toggling their autopilot". Which might lead you to question - how can we incorporate this skill into our daily routines?We all live in a world consumed by burgeoning technologies, without appreciating the needs of being present. Rather than spending a second immersing ourselves into the moment, we reflexively turn to technological devices for distraction and entertainment. Some may find this enjoyable, albeit the side-effects are questionable. Still, mindfulness will bring enduring benefits to us, empowering us to identify what is going on inside.How do we reclaim those heedful times and learn to stay present, conscious, and experiencing those moments? Here are six tips to be more mindful.
1. It is okay to let your mind wander.
It is okay to free your mind once in a while and let it roam elsewhere. Practice taking a few breaths for several seconds or even minutes to keep your composure. Be kind and gentle when it happens and appreciate that you are practising a few moments to recollect yourself. You are being mindful when you are unaware of your thoughts. Begin hearing the inner voice of your head as regularly as you can, and seek out any repetitive thought patterns.
2. Know when not to touch your phones.
Technological devices can be our best friend, yet it is also our worst enemy. Learn to foster a "healthy" relationship with your devices by setting defined parameters for usage. It could be choosing varying times to refrain from checking your phone or even keeping it in a separate room an hour before bedtime. But most importantly, do not touch your phone when you are meeting clients or spending time with your loved ones! Lookup from our screens and interact with others, and you will realise how appealing you become.
Photo by Deniz Göçmen on Unsplash.
3. Get outside when you can.
Get out to nature frequently, and not after when you hit rock-bottom. One of the most convincing ways to be mindful is to spend time in nature. It allows you to press the reset button while restoring a sense of ease and wonder. Many researchers found that time spent outside has proven effects to improve memory, alleviate stress and increase energy levels. You don't specifically need to be in a jungle or the mountains; a short walk around your neighbourhood will do wonders. Nature will always be salubrious, and we can never have enough of it.
4. Stay present all the time.
Being self-aware requires us not to run away from the hurtful things in our lives. Embrace it with an open heart and be flexible to all likelihoods in any situations. You will immediately feel its healing effects on yourself and the transformation of your maturity. In life, we will encounter situations when we have the urge to get away from our emotions. There must be a way to go around it, and accept the fact that things happen for a reason. Learn to reconcile with all negative thoughts and not let it affect our spirits and emotions. Doing so will make us a happier person, and the benefits that follow will last a lifetime.
5. Develop a habit to meditate daily.
Meditation is an exhilarating adventure because of its ability to explore our thoughts - an exercise to encourage mindfulness in our daily lives. The prevalence of meditating has been proliferating by an expanding group of a study which concluded that it lessens stress and anxiety, enhances attention and memory, and develops compassion. By allowing our mind to wander naturally, we will learn to have direct experience of any immediate moment. Having complete control of what happens around us may be impossible, but we can transform how we relate to those things in our lives. For some, they may have a different experience of meditating and often those who practice it will have life-changing experiences (although it must be repeated regularly).
6. Be curious about any situations that you approach.
Most inventions throughout modern history have something prevalent - a result of curiosity. Sometimes we face situations that frustrate us in upsetting ways because of barriers which stand in our way. But rather than feeling unhappy, try to be curious about what happens next instead. It is nearly impossible to be angry and inquisitive at the same time. Not only does your curiosity benefits you to exit your unsettled headspace, but it allows you to gain clarity of what happens in your surroundings. Doing so helps you to make a rational decision about how to move forward, which reduces the tendency of you being rash.Mindfulness helps us to be aware of our physical and emotional health without drowning ourselves in self-criticism. Some argue that it has become a prominent debating topic in the workplace because of its behavioural and social gains. Yet many are unaware of best practices in cultivating them into our routines. Use the six tips above and experience its transformation in your habits.