NAW16 - JCI UK Specific Awards

NAW16 - JCI UK Specific Awards

Posted By admin |15 Dec 2016
NAW16 - JCI UK Specific Awards

Many of the award categories in our awards programme are linked to the international awards system, with winners going on to be entered into the European awards next year. There are a few categories which are JCI UK specific - areas which we consider deserve recognition not capable in the international system.

Most Outstanding Social Project - JCI Leeds for The Alternative Quiz of the Year
(Award sponsored by Mark Riddel, Senator # 60908) 

The social project fulfilled one of the chamber's main aims for the year - to partner with a well-connected Leeds-based organisation. After two employees of DWF LLP attended a JCI Leeds event in February, the connection was established. The two organisations decided to work together in an event in support of their mutual chosen charity, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

The partnership meant both JCI Leeds and DWF's contact databases were utilised, resulting in 134 young professionals attending the quiz, far exceeding initial expectations.

The quiz raised almost £1,000 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. The team ensured that the charity's logo and mission statement was on all marketing materials, thereby also raising brand awareness for the charity.

A further social collaboration was organised between JCI Leeds and DWF LLP later in the year.

Blog » Awards » Leeds - Quiz.jpg

Most Outstanding Regular Local Publication - JCI Sheffield for Steel City News
Blog » Awards » 2016 SCN - SEP.png(Award sponsored by John Stupples, Senator #34567) 

For the second year in a row, JCI Sheffield won the award most outstanding publication for their monthly online magazine.

The publication aims to make updates and news accessible to all, sharing updates from local project initiatives, news from other chambers and the region, reviews of events and promotion of upcoming local, national and international events.

The magazine is used as an engagement tool with members, potential members, partners and stakeholders and really gives a sense of what JCI is all about. The magazine is distributed on an online platform, via an electronic newsletter and via social media.

This year the magazine has been developed by adding new types of articles, including practical tips on topics such as time management, diary planning and blogging designed to help members in the personal, professional and JCI lives. It has also secured paid advertising from partners.

Most Outstanding Programme - JCI London for Outstanding Leaders Programme
(Award sponsored by Chris Read, Senator #50259) 

The programme was run directly run in response to a needs analysis of both the chamber and its members.  This highlighted skills that would be useful in a professional capacity and ensure a strong pool of leaders to pull from for the future of the chamber.  These included topics such as conflict management, remote team working, engagement, accountability, motivation, problem-solving and leadership.  The programme was designed and run for the chamber by a professional training provider and was worth over £20k to the participants.

The impact was tangible, with many participants exploring for the first time their own personality traits and leadership styles, their natural differences, strengths and blind spots. Through the programme the team bonded and worked more and more effectively together as a team.

Blog » Awards » Lon - prog.jpg Blog » Awards » Lon - prog2.jpg