FAQ – New Chambers in the UK

JCI is a place to develop your leadership skills, meet inspiring people and make an impact in your local community.

JCI UK New Chambers - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can start a new JCI UK Chamber?

Anyone with an interest in JCI, within the JCI age (18-40) can start or relaunch a new chamber.

You can re-launch a Chamber if there used to be a Chamber in your city in the past. This means you do not have to go through the affiliation process. It also means that there might be resources such as money or history around and people from the old Chamber willing to help you. You need to find out if the Chamber just closed down or disaffiliated, as if it did disaffiliate you will need to affiliate the new Chamber. National Board can help you with this information. 

If there were no old Chamber where you live, you need to start afresh with a new Chamber.

Yes, but you need to apply to National Board to get a status as a provisional organisation before you can do so. After achieving this status, you need to add (PO) “Provisional organisation” after your organisation name until you are affiliated. National Board can help give you advice on the correct branding as well as give you access to logos and other resources. The JCI brand is trademarked so it is important these processes are followed.

Yes! We want you and your members to get to know JCI as much as possible during the process of starting a chamber.

If you don’t pay your membership fee you are not a member of the organisation and you lose out on all the benefits members of the organisation get. You cannot affiliate an organisation that doesn’t have any members, so lead from the front and be a good example to the people you are recruiting to join the organisation by being a fully paid-up member yourself. Of the £120 membership fee paid to JCI UK every year, £54 goes back to the chambers. This money will be transferred once you affiliate, so you are paying in to your future organisation.

JCI UK has a number of individual members, members not attached to a Chamber. They are members because of the benefits the organisation gives them or until a Chamber opens that it is conveneitn for them to join.

Yes, as long as you are a paid up member of JCI UK. We want you to get to know JCI as much as possible before you launch your Chamber.

JCI UK can most likely not help you directly with money, but JCI UK can help you find out if there’s been a past Chamber in your location.  If there has been there may be money left from this Chamber. Also JCI UK can help you with an application to the BJC Foundation, which supports the establishment of new Chambers and membership growth.

Get in touch with the National Board and they will give you an application. Things to keep in mind when applying for money is that the Foundation will look for sustainability and plans for the future. The JCI UK Foundation will want to see evidence that you have a pipeline of events planned, people on your board, a plan for how to recruit members and similar things that show that the money they invest will be invested in an organisation with a future.You can send your application to national board first, in case you are unsure if it responds to what the JCI UK foundation is looking for. The JCI UK Foundation might also come back to you with questions.

Every member pay £10 per month to JCI UK, out of this £54 per year is returned to the Chamber. As you’re not yet a member of an affiliated Chamber, the money will be put in a pot and saved so that once you affiliate there’s a nice amount for you to receive.

This is one of the disadvantages of not yet being affiliated. Before you are affiliated you are not covered by our insurance, so get affiliated soon! 

You can organise events on behalf of JCI UK and this would then be covered by our insurance. Talk to National Board on what your options are. Organising a national event is also a great way of getting energy, cash and members to your chamber.

Yes you can. Please be aware that there’s as much work in re-launching a chamber as in starting a new, there’s just less administrative work. However, there might be money and resources from the old Chamber available so get in touch with National Board and they will help you find out.

Senators are life-long honorary members of JCI, they received a Senatorship because they were outstanding members through several years. Senators have their own network, the British Senate, and are always happy to help out. Contact National Board and they will help you get in touch with the right people.

Senators can help you with different things – from advice and network to promote the new chamber to their families and businesses. Also they know the history of the organisation and can help you get in touch with people that can be helpful.

You can get affiliated at one of the three National Council meetings of JCI United Kingdom. The first of the year takes place in Spring during Presidents & Deputies Day, the second in Autumn at the Annual General Meeting and the third at National Convention in late Autumn/Winter.

Everyone! A good person to get in touch with is the Regional Group Chair in your region, they can help you get in touch with other regional Chambers and will support you throughout the process.

  1. A written application for your Chamber to become a member of JCI UK, signed by the Chamber president and Secretary, including the name and addresses of both

  2. A copy of your Constitution (National Board can help you with sample Constitutions that you can adapt to your purpose). The Constitution has to be aligned with the JCI UK Constitution.

  3. Approval by the Regional Group Chair of the Regional Group of which you want to become a member

  4. The names of your members. In our Constitution we state that you need 10 members in order to be affiliated, if this is not possible, things like number of active and engaged members, plans for growth, future leaders etc will be taken into consideration.

A launch is not the same as the affiliation and a launch can be helpful in getting new members. Just make sure you make everyone aware that it is not the affiliation, but a launch.

The best way to find out more is to come along to an event. This way you can experience first-hand what we do, and you can ask members for their own opinions about what they have gained from JCI. Most events are open to non-members – check out the local websites for details of forthcoming events.

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