Becoming Better Leaders at LEAP

Becoming Better Leaders at LEAP

Posted By admin |27 Sep 2018
Becoming Better Leaders at LEAP
JCI Southampton members Zoe and Moustafa had a fantastic time at JCI UK’s LEAP Academy at the end of September as they share their experiences of the weekend. Now in its seventh year, LEAP (Leadership Excellence in Action Programme) is JCI UK’s flagship academy, enabling participants to go on a journey of self-discovery of themselves, their leadership traits and how they interact and lead a team. Providing JCI Southampton’s aspiring leaders the opportunity to become better leaders!   The different training modules over the course of the weekend went through the necessary skills needed to be a great leader and provided a chance to reflect on how our personality styles impact on so much of what we do, and how we interact with others.

My LEAP Experience - Moustafa Fkhir

“The course introduced me to the four different styles of leadership and made me think of where I fit into this equation since day one.  Well-structured and felt like it was tailored for each individual that was in the room. Trainers insured every individual participated throughout the course, and no one was left out. The outdoor team activities were great fun and great illustration of each individual’s leadership style. The course was beneficial and will make you think of your conscious/non-conscious behaviour in your workplace, as well as your personal life. It may also assist you to understand the behaviour of those around you. Personally, I loved the experience, and to that I thank the LEAP team for making it happen!”

My LEAP Experience - Zoe Toseland

“LEAP was a really great experience and I got a huge amount out of it. Although it was quite an intense two and a half days it was also very fun. The trainers were very engaging and packed a lot in over the course of the weekend; to make sure everyone got something really positive out of it. It pushed me to think and reflect on my own approach to leadership, being relatively new in a management role, and there are lots of things I will now consider to improve my leadership style. It was also lovely to meet, get to know and work with the other delegates from chambers across the UK and some international. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to be a better leader, whether or not you are yet in a leadership/management role as you’ll definitely get a lot out of the programme!”

Personal Development in JCI

Personal development is one of the core areas of opportunity offered within JCI.  JCI believe in developing the leadership skills of our members, so they have the confidence and authority to make a real difference in their business, their community and their personal life. LEAP, along with the other JCI UK academies, provide JCI members the chance to develop their skills, go out of their comfort zone in a supportive and friendly environment, and meet other members.