Could you step up and be the 2019 Communications & Marketing Director or a Communication & Marketing Officer for JCI UK?

  • JCI UK / 2018 / Could you step up and be the 2019 Communications & Marketing Director or a Communication & Marketing Officer for JCI UK?

Could you step up and be the 2019 Communications & Marketing Director or a Communication & Marketing Officer for JCI UK?

Posted By admin |14 Aug 2018
Could you step up and be the 2019 Communications & Marketing Director or a Communication & Marketing Officer for JCI UK?
“If I had a pound for every time I’ve heard somebody say that ‘JCI is the best kept secret’, or a member say ‘if I had known about JCI years ago, I would have joined then!’ I would be a very rich man!” says Mark Smith, 2018 Deputy National President. Despite the incredible, life-changing, friendship-making, pushing-you-outside-your-comfort-zones, and many more experiences that JCI gives so many of us, there are literally hundreds of more young people all over the country who I’m sure would snap their hand off to get involved, if only they knew about JCI. In this blog, we focus on the role of Communications and Marketing Director on the 2019 National Team. Fish where the fishes are...? You may have heard of the saying ‘fish where the fishes are’ which refers to identifying who your  ‘fish’ are – i.e. your target audience/s; the people you want to reach and then looking at where can you reach them.  For example, if your key audience were ‘sharks’, you wouldn’t find them in the local pond, so why would you spend your time and energy ‘fishing’ (or marketing) in the local pond?! A key priority of the 2019 Communications and Marketing Director will be to help ensure we get key messages out to our current members but also focusing on raising awareness about JCI UK to those who haven’t heard about us before and building the brand awareness. Leading the communications and marketing strategy for JCI UK is no mean feat which is why there is also the chance for members to step up to help and support this Director by standing for the Communications and Marketing National Officer roles.  Please read the 2019 Communications & Marketing National Officer Role here.  Once the Director and Officer/s have been elected, they will then look at how they make sure the range of functions needed are carried out depending on the teams experience, knowledge and areas of interest: from graphic design, copy writing, blog writing, social media, press releases, videos etc.  There will also be opportunity for others who may want to get involved to help and support on an ad hoc basis. Can you help us find those fish? Find out more - read the 2019 Communications & Marketing Director Role. If you wish to stand, please complete the intention to stand template for 2019 – this asks for the reasons you want to stand, what experience you have and the ideas you have for the role.  You then need to get a JCI Chamber to propose you and another to second you – this would usually by the President of the proposing or seconding Chamber.  Then e-mail this to Vicky Biggs, 2018 Admin Director at and also myself at the latest, by 8pm on 17th August 2018.  If more than one person stands for a particular role, we will let you know in case you wish to prepare an election campaign.  National Board roles will then be voted on at the JCI UK Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 15th September. Mark Smith 2018 Deputy National President JCI UK Senator #76527 E: M: 07977 422341