JCI Manchester Chooses Mancunian Way as nominated charity for 2017

  • JCI UK / 2017 / JCI Manchester Chooses Mancunian Way as nominated charity for 2017

JCI Manchester Chooses Mancunian Way as nominated charity for 2017

Posted By admin |05 Feb 2017
JCI Manchester Chooses Mancunian Way as nominated charity for 2017

JCI Manchester chooses Mancunian Way as it’s nominated charity

Each year JCI Manchester chooses to support a worthy cause or charity through the running of the charity event programme. In previous years we have supported the likes of Francis House, Forever Manchester and more recently Challenge4Change, Action Against Hunger and MedEquip4Kids.

This year is no different and after being put to a board member vote, JCI Manchester have elected to support Mancunian Way.

Mancunian Way was ‘born out of the ashes of the riots in 2011’ and rose to fill the gaps left in service by the council and police in terms of reducing anti-social behaviour amongst disenfranchised young people. They run many projects and services for young people across Manchester and have dedicated outreach teams which work on the streets where anti-social behaviour is rife and there is a heightened risk that young people will be involved in risky behaviour.

The project supports 1000s of young people a year. By way of example they have helped educate 100s of young people, supported them into employment and rescued a number of individuals from serious sexual abuse. They have young ambassador and leadership programmes and run various community initiatives in film arts and sporting projects.

We are unbelievably excited to be supporting such a worthy charity, one that is Mancunian through and through, and one that will hopefully give all members a chance to get a bit more hands on with support.

Our first charity event in support of Mancunian Way is ‘THE YOUNGER GAMES’ on the 23rd February at Revolution Parsonage Gardens 6-9pm. A night of interactive networking activity designed to get you talking to people you don’t know! Nothing too cringe, we promise! You can book your tickets here >>> https://www.fatsoma.com/jci-manchester-/6g87ljbv/jci-charity-event-the-younger-games