Presidents Blog - January

Presidents Blog - January

Posted By admin |10 Jan 2015
Presidents Blog - January

Council team » CouncilTracy.jpgHappy new year everyone!

I'm very excited to be writing my first welcome of the year. I'm sure you've all heard that 2015 is a special year, Henry Giessenbier in 1915 in St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A founded JCI which means we are celebrating a 100 years of JCI this year.

It's an absolute honour to be JCI Barnsley's President and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate 2014's President Ben Hawley on a great year. He would like you to join us all at our stars in their eyes themed annual dinner on Friday 16th January to celebrate. It promises to be a good night. If you're travelling from a far we are planning some entertainment for the weekend, keep an eye on our Facebook events for information about this.

Our first event of the year will be our launch event on Thursday 29th January, where you can hear about some of our plans for the year, meet the new council team and take part in our first shine event of the year. If you are looking to meet new people and develop yourself, then please come and meet us.

Our national president of 2015 Drew Charman would like us all to ‘feel proud'. The first National event of the year is Inspiration Day in Manchester on 31st January. They have put on some inspiring speakers and it is a great way to meet members from around the UK.

Details have also just been announced of the JCI UK's Marketing Academy on 28th February/1st March in Birmingham. The academy consists of two days training and is for a bargain price of £59 (this evens includes the price of lunch). I am a graduate of the academy and I thoroughly enjoyed it. JCI Barnsley are again offering bursaries to attend this. Please contact me if you would like to be considered for a bursary this year.

Well that's all from me, hope to see you this January.

Tracy Anderson

JCI Barnsley President 2015