The Power of a Digital Presence and How to Enhance Yours

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The Power of a Digital Presence and How to Enhance Yours

Posted By admin |15 Apr 2020
The Power of a Digital Presence and How to Enhance Yours
By Jess Hoban Even though in-person networking is effective for that initial encounter, creating yourself an impressive digital presence can help enhance your network even further. This is made even easier with platforms such as LinkedIn which is an ideal tool to drive your social media profile.  Here are some tips we have accumulated to help you with creating and increasing your social network. 

1 . Make sure your profile is up to date and reflects your C.V. 

Many hiring companies use LinkedIn to learn more about their applicants. If there are any differences between your online profile and your C.V. this can be detrimental to your chances of proceeding further. Ensuring your profile is filled with relevant and factual experiences shows attention to detail and sets you up for online networking.

2. Follow Company's and Professionals in your Field and Start Sharing.

An easy place to start is beginning to follow companies whose work interests you or you are interested in working with them. You then invite yourself into a world of other like-minded people who are in a similar careers or are in the role that you desire. After you have followed a few, you can start to share interesting posts from these people or companies to increase you visibility.

3. Make your Connections Count. 

Once your profile is set up, you can begin building your network. Start connecting with your colleagues, present and past employers, and people you've met are networking events. Make sure you keep this in a professional setting and ensure you are connecting with people who you've worked with or know how you work. This can then lead to endorsements on desirable skills that will be highlighted on your profile for employers and recruiters.

4. Join LinkedIn Groups.

To further increase your network and start connecting to people outside of your inner circle, we suggest to join some of the social groups that LinkedIn provide. You will likely be able to find a group around your interests such as; 'Marketing Executives Group' for people in a marketing field to find more connections, and 'Freelance Writers Group' who post vacancies and encouraging tips to help members improve their skills. Joining a group can only benefit your network of like-minded professional, which can lead to further opportunities. Use these tips to help you clean up your profile and venture off into virtual networking. We advise you to remain consistent and show diligence when creating and navigating your online professional presence.